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4 Minute Semiya Kesari !!

'Ahh It's been crazy hectic it already feels like Friday..'

'No way i have the time for this..'

'If only the day had 26 hours....'

this is how it feels back from home on a Weekday..

I feel I function like an 'Emergency light' , the one that we used during my school days,

charge it all day to save you during the two hours of powercut.

It is extremely bright initially,

dulls down a bit every hour,

cries for charge after a bit

and dies off totally in another hour.

You always plug it back in with a skepticism if its ever going to wake up

again and Voila.. it springs back to Life yet again..

That is precisely how my week, am slightly better, I have only two days of the week to charge myself for the rest of the week marathon.. If I were given a chance I would rename weekend to weekstart,

doesnt sound fancy at all, but that is how it is for working moms like me.

So I try to keep my recipes very simple and try finding shortcuts and try comparing the results with the traditional way of

making them. this is one recipe that turned out better than the traditional way and took me less than 5 minutes to

make in a microwave.. Sharing it to make your jobs easy as well ;)

Picasa - photo.jpg

Recipe :

Cooking Time : 5 minutes (Trust me !)

Ingredients :

1. Roasted short Vermicelli - 1 Cup

2. Sugar - 1 Cup

3. Water - 1 1/2 Cups (Refer Notes)

4. Ghee / Clarified Butter - 1 Tbsp.

5. Dry Fruits - few Cashews + Almonds + Raisins.

Method :

Boil water on the stove till its steaming hot.

Take the Vermicelli in a Microwave safe bowl and add the boiling water in this bowl and stir it nicely.

Place in the Microwave for 1 min.

Take the bowl out, give it a nice stir and place it for 1 more min.

Take it out and see if the Vermicelli has cooked , it turns soft when it is cooked.

Now add the Sugar to this cooked Vermicelli and mix it well and place it in the Microwave for 1 min.

Simultaneously heat a pan on the stove, when it is warm add the Ghee to the pan and add the Dry fruits till they turn nice golden brown.

Add the Dry fruits and the Ghee to the Kesari and we're all done !

This serves as a very good instant Prasadam for neivedhyam / offering for God. You could also serve this to your guest with a savory !

Notes :

1. If you want the Kesari to be more like a cake, add 1 Cup of Water.

2. You could add Kesari powder, 1 tsp. to add a nice orange color to it.

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