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Spinach Cilantro Almond Pesto - the Versatile Green Sauce

Pesto is a sauce that is mostly served with Pasta. It is of Italian origin and traditional Pesto is made from Garlic, basil leaves, pine nuts and

Olive oil.

I tried a variant of this traditional Pesto using Cilantro and Spinach instead of Basil leaves. I also tried replacing the Pine Nuts

with Almonds since they are lower in Calories and higher in Protein and Fiber.

You can blend these easy ingredients real quick and use it as a topping for your spaghetti or a dip. I tried it as a sandwich spread and

the Sandwich was brilliant and oozing with flavors.

For the Pesto -

Preparation Time - 10 min.

Spinach - 2 Cups (I used baby Spinach)

Cilantro - 3/4 Cup (Washed)

Smoked Almonds / Plain Almonds - 1/2 Cup

Garlic - 1 or 2 Cloves.

Olive Oil - 2 tsp.

Salt - As required.

Method -

1. Blanch the Spinach - Boil water on a pan and turn off the stove when its boiling hot. Add the Spinach to the boiling water and let it sit for 5 min.

2. Chop the Cilantro roughly.

3. If you are using plain almonds, heat Olive oil on the stove and fry the Almonds till they are browned and toasted. This could take 6-7 mts.

4. If you are using Smoked Almonds, it could be ground directly.

5. In a blender or food processor add the almonds and grind them coarsely.

6. Add the chopped Cilantro and Garlic to this and grind them till all the ingredients blend well.

7. To this add the Blanched Spinach , salt and grind until it comes to a sauce consistency.

This versatile Green sauce goes well with your favorite Pasta , gives a new twist to your usual Wrap or if you decide to go Indian, serves as a great


Notes :

1. I used baby Spinach.

2. Almonds can be replaced by Pine Nuts.

3. Garlic is optional if you're on a no-Garlic diet.

4. If you wish to add some heat, you could add some red pepper to the sauce.

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